
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Painting Of Downtown Danbury CT

Here is the completed painting of Downtown Danbury CT, a view from inside Elmwood Park.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Danbury commission in progress

The drawing and a little bit of paint on the large scale painting of downtown Danbury CT. It's further along than these pics show but my computer is on the fritz so until "tech support" can fix my mac , here are some images.........

Monday, September 28, 2009

New Etsy Shop!!

I am so excited to start selling on Etsy. To visit the shop go to  

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

a rough watercolor sketch for a possible commission for Elsworth Ave. School in Danbury, Along with some reference photos. The final painting will be much larger, almost to 8x larger to scale, 66x72" when finished, so much more detailed and in oils. Will post painting in progress as well.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

up in Atlanta Airport, (guess which one is mine, My word was Clarify)  wish I could see all the work , the presentation looks Amazing, thanks to Art House Gallery!! For images click--

Friday, July 31, 2009

Weir Farm 3

Gonna finish this one tomorrow but so far.....

Sculptures, photos and beginings of stuff.....

here is the post for yesterday, which was sculpture day due to the weather. I started off with this:a photo I took while at Newport with Zia Rita a few weeks ago.

and then this........

Another photo from the RI trip

And today I made these:

My armored heart- Home sweet Home.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Weir Farm Day 2

So today was a shortened visit due to the weather. oil on paper, three panels before the tape comes off: July 29th 2009 2:32pm

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Weir Farm National Historic site

Here is my first painting from the Weir Farm National Historic site, Home of American artist Julian Alden Weir, who lived and worked in Wilton, (very near to the studio). It is an amazing place, lots of info on the National Parks Dept Web site. Going back there tomorrow..... Today's watercolor sketch- July 28th 2009 2:48pm

Friday, July 10, 2009

for the westport art center member show

Two panels, Pebble Beach
Not a great image will have to take another tomorrow in the daylight but thanks to Barbara :) I think I'm done.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Show season has begun

Here are a few paintings that will be on display and for sale at the Dogwood Festival and Art
 show this weekend. 
And a larger oil version of this one ---

This one just one second best in show at the Art in The House Show in Easton. I'm excited.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Deadlines, Deadlines, 2 to finish today and I'm not even done with this one.
From The Japanese Garden 5/6/08 3:30pm
if you click on the image to make it larger and look at the maroon tree at the left there is a heart in the leaves, a happy accident, not painted on purpose but it happened when I was brushing in the positive space.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

for an upcoming show

this is a view of the hudson, from oscawana park pond, before a storm, on 3/8/09, around 2:50pm

Saturday, March 7, 2009

In a JUG?

 More hearts, sculpted this time not sewn, but they didn't come out as smooth as I had pictured in my head. Have to look for a new material. Snug as a bug in rug in a JUG? 

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

A little late for Valentine's Day

I started these as part of a series but didn't get around to finishing till this weekend. I hope to make more in fabric and other materials. 
The heart is more than just a symbol of luv.... 

Snow Days From The old Days

This illustration is from the novel, but I thought it fit here. 

Monday, March 2, 2009

Snow Day!

Stuck inside today. Some things- all snow and Ice...

From an old old old Wallpaper Mag and Christy Klug Jewlery

Sunday, March 1, 2009

More snow tonight. I am so ready for spring, but no sign of it coming soon. 
This pic is from an unexpected trip to Lake George last month, during ice storms.